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Google to delete dormant accounts.

Google are tightening up security and trying to better protect users from security threats such as spam, phishing, and user impersonation.
Part of these increased security measures is this coming December that any personal Google account that hasn’t been logged into for 2 years or more, may be permanently deleted.

It’s important to keep in mind that when these account deletions occur it will erase any emails/data and associated services such as: 

  • Gmail
  • Google Drive
  • Calendar
  • YouTube Accounts
  • Photos
  • Contacts

How can this affect your business?

These account deletions only affect personal Google accounts, so why would it affect your business?
Often when a business is first starting up the director will setup a new email account to get the ball rolling. To keep costs low, the accounts setup will be a personal Gmail account rather than a paid Google Workspace account.

The new account will be used to sign up to things such as Internet plans, Mobile Phone plans, Domain registrations, Software registrations, Google Business listings, Google Analytics so on.
When the business grows a corporate email system is implemented but often migrating any associated subscriptions and services may be overlooked.

What action should I take?

Simple. If you have an old Google/Gmail account that you haven’t signed into for a while, then it might be a good time to log in and see what’s in the mailbox. Check to see if there are any recurring emails coming through from vendors, export any of your contacts and see if there is anything in Drive/Photos that you need.
Don’t wait until it is too late.

Send us a message or call on 1300 730 331 today to see how we can help secure your environment and keep your business running.

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Author Daniel

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